Professor Emeritus of Business Administration, Darden School of Business, University of Virginia
Webinar: 29 September 2021 / 16:00 – 17:00 uur
Continuous advancing multiple technologies are going to change how we live, how we work and who works. New knowledge will be created faster and faster and it shelf- life will be short. That means that we will need to continuously learn – unlearn and relearn at the speed of change. That is Hyper-Learning.
We will have meaningful work in the Digital Age if we can add value in ways that the smart technology can’t do well. For most people attending this Event, that means we will have to excel at Thinking Excellence and Emotional Excellence. Thinking Excellence includes higher order critical thinking; creative, imaginative, and innovative thinking; sensemaking; emergent thinking; exploring the unknown and figuring it out; and making moral judgments. Emotional Excellence is being able to consistently emotionally connect & relate with other human beings in positive emotional ways.
To excel at those tasks will require us to overcome our “wiring” – our engrained reflexive ways of being. The Science of Adult Learning is clear: we are suboptimal learners. We are speedy efficient thinkers “wired” to seek confirmation of what we believe; affirmation of our egos; and cohesiveness of our stories about how our world works. We see what we believe. And you can add to that the two biggest inhibitors to adult learning- our ego and our fears. Our challenge will be to “re-wire” ourselves.
The 5 Steps of the Hyper-Learning Journey
- Take ownership of and manage your ego, mind, body, and emotions by the use of daily practices designed to help you achieve “Inner Peace” – a state of inner stillness and calmness that enables you to embrace the world with your most open, non-judgmental, fearless mind, and with a lack of self-absorption.
- Excel at “Otherness”: Otherness requires learning how to reflectively listen to others in ways that validate their human dignity and to behave in ways that build trust.
- Adopt a “NewSmart” mindset:
(a) I’m defined not by what I know or how much I know, but by the quality of my thinking, listening, relating, and collaborating.
(b) My mental models are not reality – they are only my generalised stories of how my world works.
(c) I’m not my ideas, and I must decouple my beliefs (not values) from my ego.
(d) I must be open-minded and treat my beliefs (not values) as hypotheses to be constantly tested subject to modification by better data.
(e) My mistakes and failures are opportunities to learn. - Embrace ‘Hyper-Learning Behaviours’ and traits.
- Approach each day as being on a continuing “Journey to Your Best Self” having the curiosity, open-mindedness, and resilience of a young child; the courage of an explorer; the ability to think like a scientist and imagine like an artist.
The organizational Journey to Hyper-Learning involves a “New Way of Working” based on psychological principles and an enabling culture that optimizes the creation of “Caring Trusting Teams”, “Collective Intelligence”, having “High-Quality Making-Meaning Conversations” and “Collective Flow”.
Lees het eerste hoofdstuk van het boek Hyper-Learning.