Door: Will Thalheimer, PhD, MBA, Principal at TiER1 Performance.
In our field, the learning-and-performance field, we often leave learning evaluation as a low priority. We know it’s important, but we are often frustrated with what we can do in measuring learning. Traditional models leave us wanting, the surveys we ask of our learners keep us paralyzed in indecision, we don’t get the budget or resources we need to do good evaluation. But wait, there’s now hope! In this keynote, renowned learning expert, Will Thalheimer, will share two learning-evaluation innovations that are spreading quickly across the globe: LTEM (the Learning-Transfer Evaluation Model) and Performance-Focused Learner Surveys based on his award-winning book, soon in its second edition. Learning evaluation is at the core of our ability to create virtuous cycles of continuous improvement. In short, to create the best learning, we must get valid useable feedback. To demonstrate our value, we must utilize methods that are credible and respected. Thalheimer’s work is based on years of researching learning to find practical methods—research wisdom that is integrated into these two powerful learning-evaluation innovations.
Learning Design >> Evaluation >> Performance

Will is a world-renowned speaker, writer, researcher, consultant focused on research-based best practices for learning design, learning evaluation, and presentation design. At TiER1, Will works with multi-capability teams helping organizations activate their business, operational, and learning strategies—through their people. TiER1’s mission is to help people do their best work, help make the world of work a better place for all people, and help organizations discover and operationalize their high-priority strategic goals.
Prior to TiER1, Will founded and ran Work-Learning Research for 22 years, where his research reviews are still available. Will wrote the award-winning book Performance-Focused Learner Surveys (second edition 2022); created LTEM, the Learning-Transfer Evaluation Model and the Presentation Science Workshop. Will co-created The Learning Development Accelerator, and the eLearning Manifesto. He can be reached through LinkedIn ( or contacted through TiER1 Performance.
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